The historic Stone’s Warehouse, once home to Carolina Coach Garage and Shop, is being transformed into a creative production hub for locally-grown food entrepreneurs. Transfer Olde East will provide a much-needed commercial anchor and community gathering place in a historic neighborhood that has lost nearly all of its self-sustaining commercial backbone and vitality.

 The food production spaces are arranged around a multi-use community hall and gathering space available to both tenants and the broader community. The tenants’ kitchens are physically and visually connected to the community hall to encourage visitors to learn about the various foods and how they are produced, and to allow the local food producers to directly engage the broader community.

Due to incredibly high demand as a result of recent closures of area grocery chains, a second building is being developed to the south of Stone’s Warehouse as a full-service neighborhood grocery and café. Connecting the community hall and the grocery will be a large tiered courtyard which will serve as a staging area for members of the community, non-profits, and businesses to learn, teach, and grow together. Both the community hall and courtyard are planned to host a range of seasonal events such as farm dinners and fundraisers, and will also be available to the broader community for no cost events such as CAC and neighborhood meetings.



Completed | 2019

Photographs | Trey Thomas, Chair8